The harder you work, the less you earn
Do you believe that you have to work hard to earn money?

That you have to work hard to succeed?

Many of us do. 

It’s a deep cultural belief that’s often passed down through the generations. The idea that you will be rewarded for being a ‘good worker’. That your job will be safe, and you will progress up the ranks. 

In many, many cases, it’s no longer true. 

❌ How many people do you know who have worked hard all their lives for very little reward or pleasure? 

❌People who’ve been laid off despite their efforts? 

❌People who have been overlooked for a promotion, even though they are diligent at their job?

❌ Business owners who work endless hours but still struggle to make headway, or pay the bills 

I know plenty, including me in the past. 

The work paradigm has shifted. 

Could it be that the HARDER you work, the LESS you earn?

As Daniel Priestly says:
💭“Hard work is not a competitive advantage any more. If anything, it’s the opposite. 

Competitive advantage is thinking expansively, connecting with the right people and resources, and spotting fresh opportunities.”💭

It’s about making time to THINK, RECHARGE and CONNECT with your vision, resources, and people:

✅ Prioritising time to pause and think strategically. To climb the tree in the jungle and look ahead. 

✅ Embracing and harnessing emerging tech, AI, new ways of working, simplified, integrated systems. 

✅ Seeking new connections, synergies and leverage in people, ideas, finance, tech and resources. 

✅ It’s exploring and experimenting. 

✅ It’s you and your team continually seeking incremental improvements (marginal gains) AND radical shifts, as a core and integral part of your ‘doing’ .

When you believe work should be ‘hard’, you are at risk of wanting/making it hard so you feel ‘successful’.

How often do you say “yes, I’m really busy” as a measure and validation of perceived success? 

It’s a trap

Instead, seek for work to be EASY

To be flowing smoothly. Enabled by great systems, tech, people, ways of both working and being. 

When you are in a flow state, it’s amazing how much gets done, and how energised you can feel. 

❓What can you do today to start to make work easy? 

❓How much time is in your diary, and your team’s, for non-busy work?

❓Is it time for a rethink about that outdated, unhelpful belief? 


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